China historical memory
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The Meaning of Tiananmen: 28 Years Later
By Kerry Brown
Revisiting the official verdict on the morning of June 4, 1989 would be dangerous for China's Communist Party.

The Most Dangerous Problem in Asia: China-Japan Relations
By Kerry Brown
China and Japan have a thousand year history of fighting each other. What if that pattern repeats itself?

How China Remembers the Cultural Revolution
By Perry Link
50 years later, China still has yet to come to terms with Mao's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

The Currency Question: Andrew Jackson and Chairman Mao
By Maura Cunningham and Jeffrey Wasserstrom
Convergences and divergences between America and China tell us a lot about each country's current trajectory.

Mao Zedong: Savior or Demon?
By Bo Zhiyue
Over 120 years after his birth, China still debates what Mao's true legacy is.

The Important Anniversary China Won't Celebrate in 2016
By Kerry Brown
May 16, 1966 marked the start of the Cultural Revolution -- but don't expect China to publicize the anniversary.

Colonialism, Invasion, and Atomic Bombs: Asia’s Divergent Histories
By Gi-Wook Shin
When will Asians be able to celebrate shared memories of war and colonialism?

What China Means by a 'Correct View' on WW2 History
By Shannon Tiezzi
Xi Jinping wants more historical research done -- but only on topics that fit the Party's narrative surrounding the war.

China’s 10 Red Lines in the South China Sea
By Harry Kazianis
With the publication of its latest map, China has declared “mapware” in the Western Pacific.

In China, 'History Is a Religion'
By Zheng Wang
The Diplomat speaks with Zheng Wang about the role of history in Chinese politics, including foreign policy.
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