China in the Arctic

China’s Arctic Ambitions Face Increasing Headwinds in Finland
By Sanna Kopra and Matti Puranen
Finland is one of China's best options for accessing the Arctic. But even here, there is growing suspicion of Chinese investments.

Why China Needs an Arctic Policy 2.0
By Nengye Liu
It is time for China to shed light on which kind of order it would like to construct in the Arctic using its rising power.

China, Russia, and Arctic Geopolitics
By Ling Guo and Steven Lloyd Wilson
China’s burgeoning role in the Arctic could translate into direct competition with Russia.

China’s Shipbuilders Seek New Inroads in Arctic Shipping
By Trym Aleksander Eiterjord
New ship designs signal a growing Chinese interest in Arctic shipping.

Checking in on China's Nuclear Icebreaker
By Trym Aleksander Eiterjord
Speculation has trailed the news that China’s first nuclear-powered icebreaker ship was in the works.

A Cold Arena? Greenland as a Focus of Arctic Competition
By Mingming Shi and Marc Lanteigne
Recent questions over the extent of China’s ambitions for Greenland deserve close scrutiny.

The Growing Institutionalization of China’s Polar Silk Road
By Trym Aleksander Eiterjord
China is building an increasingly mature platform to support its scientific and commercial interests in the Arctic.

China Launches First Domestically Built Polar Icebreaker
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Xuelong 2 launched on September 10 and is expected to be deployed next year.

China’s Polar Strategy: An Emerging Gray Zone?
By Rebecca Pincus
How China is positioning itself to wield influence in the Arctic and Antarctic.

China’s Arctic Ambitions in Alaska
By Ashley Feng and Sagatom Saha
To realize its aspirations as a polar power, China has turned to Alaska.

China’s Belt and Road: Where Does the Arctic Angle Stand?
By Heidar Gudjonsson and Egill Thor Nielsson
Beijing has had an active few months of Arctic diplomacy.

Will Russia Arm Its Icebreaker Fleet With Supersonic Cruise Missiles?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The head of the U.S. Coast Guard claims that Russia’s new class of icebreakers will be fully-fledged warships.