China in the Russian Far East

A China-Russia Arctic Alliance? Not So Fast.
By Marc Lanteigne
Despite lofty declarations of mutual interests in the Arctic, there have been significant cracks in this regional relationship.

What Does a Kishida Government Mean for Japan-Russia Economic Relations?
By Andrei Kozinets and James D.J. Brown
Japan-Russia relations look set for a lull under Prime Minister Kishida. But there are good reason to continue economic cooperation in the Russian Far East.

The Distance Between Moscow and Russia’s Far East Is Growing
By Gabriel Gavin
Tensions in Siberia are growing, fueled by fears around Chinese investment and resentment at being governed from another continent.

Who’s Afraid of the First China-Russia Road Bridge?
By Yuan Jiang
Addressing the persistent myth that China seeks a demographic takeover of the Russian Far East.
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