
China & India

Why China’s Growing Military Might in Tibet Should Worry India

Why China’s Growing Military Might in Tibet Should Worry India

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The rising tempo of Chinese deployments in Tibet should be of concern to New Delhi.
Sino-Indian Competition in Myanmar in the Spotlight With Indian Navy Chief Visit

Sino-Indian Competition in Myanmar in the Spotlight With Indian Navy Chief Visit

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The naval visit last week again focused attention on the role of India and China in the Southeast Asian state, even though New Delhi’s weakness lies more in non-security realms.

Deepening US-India Maritime Ties in Focus with Navy Chief Visit

Deepening US-India Maritime Ties in Focus with Navy Chief Visit

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
A recent interaction highlighted this aspect of relations between the two countries.

Can the New China-India Thaw Last?

Can the New China-India Thaw Last?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Despite India’s recent seeking of friendlier ties with Beijing, the future prospects for relations remain uncertain.

What Does the Modi-Xi Summit Mean for Sino-Indian Relations?

What Does the Modi-Xi Summit Mean for Sino-Indian Relations?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Though the interaction between the two leaders is notable, there is reason for skepticism and managing expectations.
Folly of an Indian Nuclear Shift

Folly of an Indian Nuclear Shift

Whatever the headlines over Pakistan’s nuclear build-up, India should stick to its no-first-use policy on nuclear weapons.

India’s Foreign Policy Tightrope

India’s Foreign Policy Tightrope

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is in India for a high-profile visit. But the real clues to regional relations came last month.

India Eyed for US Great Wall Plan?

India Eyed for US Great Wall Plan?

By Robert Dreyfuss
Neoconservatives have urged Barack Obama to boost US defence ties with India to counter China. But the last thing the US needs is a polarized Asia, writes Robert Dreyfuss.

An Interview With Lawrence Prabhakar

The Diplomat speaks with Lawrence Prabhakar, Professor of Political Science at India’s Madras Christian College, about Manmohan Singh’s recent trip to Washington, Indo-US ties and China’s growing maritime presence in the Indian Ocean.

The History of Sino-India Tensions

The History of Sino-India Tensions

Watchers of Asia’s two big rising powers are getting it wrong, says The Diplomat’s Madhav Nalapat. In focusing on economics and a border dispute, they are overlooking the biggest irritant to ties: a soft-spoken monk who was granted asylum in India 50 years ago.

Sri Lanka - The New Great Game

The defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in May brought an end to Sri Lanka’s civil war. But the conflict also shed light on a bitter geopolitical struggle taking place against the backdrop of the declining influence of the West and the emerging influence of India and China. Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe explores the implications of Sri Lanka’s evolving foreign policy.

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