
China inequality

High-Speed Rail in China’s Rust Belt: A Fast Track to Economic Revitalization?

High-Speed Rail in China’s Rust Belt: A Fast Track to Economic Revitalization?

By Siyang Ding
China's northeast was left behind during the high-speed rail boom. But will a new construction boom be enough to solve the region's economic woes?
No Bears Allowed: China’s Latest Round of Economic Censorship

No Bears Allowed: China’s Latest Round of Economic Censorship

By Sarah Cook
When the Chinese economy sputters, the regime’s censors shift into high gear.

Social Class Is the Silent Killer in Beijing’s Heatwaves

Social Class Is the Silent Killer in Beijing’s Heatwaves

By Li Zhao
The urban poor living away from the city center are the most likely to suffer under extreme heat – and also the ones most likely to face it.

Asia’s Development Model Is Now Jeopardizing Its Future Economic Growth

Asia’s Development Model Is Now Jeopardizing Its Future Economic Growth

By Saul Estrin and Simon Commander
Asia is facing an economic watershed moment. Turning the corner will require rethinking the role of its dominant, state-supported business groups.

China’s ‘Common Prosperity’ Campaign is Going to Be Tough Going

China’s ‘Common Prosperity’ Campaign is Going to Be Tough Going

By Andrew Collier
Fixing inequality would require fundamental change in China’s tax structure and state system – reforms highly unlikely under the current political system.
China’s Communist ‘Common Prosperity’ Campaign

China’s Communist ‘Common Prosperity’ Campaign

By Sara Hsu
The “common prosperity” ideology is the realization of Chinese socialism imposed upon market-based, modern activity, which makes it especially hard for investors to interpret.

Gaokao in the Time of COVID-19

Gaokao in the Time of COVID-19

By Kate Kologrivaya and Emma Shleifer
Debate over the decision to postpone China’s college entrance exam crystallizes deeper problems with educational inequality.
As Kim Jong Un Crossed China, Did He Like What He Saw?

As Kim Jong Un Crossed China, Did He Like What He Saw?

By Bonnie Girard
Kim’s train ride through China would have sent mixed signals about the country’s development model.

China’s Reform and Opening: 40 Years and Counting

China’s Reform and Opening: 40 Years and Counting

By Seung-Youn Oh
How far is the Chinese government willing to go in letting go of economic control?

Why China Keeps Falling for Pyramid Schemes

Why China Keeps Falling for Pyramid Schemes

By Eugene K. Chow
Pyramid schemes are big business in China – much to the government's chagrin.

Is This the Year China Gets Serious About Ending Rural Poverty?

Is This the Year China Gets Serious About Ending Rural Poverty?

By Shannon Tiezzi
China has long spoken of a 'war on poverty,' but recent signs suggest it might be even more of a focus in 2018.
'Dream Town': China's Charming Villages

'Dream Town': China's Charming Villages

By Eugene K. Chow
The Chinese government is hoping branded, themed villages can revitalize the countryside.

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