
China international order

The Grand Strategy Behind China’s Rise

The Grand Strategy Behind China’s Rise

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Zeno Leoni.
BRICS Members Should Heed Lessons From China’s ‘16+1’ Platform

BRICS Members Should Heed Lessons From China’s ‘16+1’ Platform

By Justyna Szczudlik
BRICS is a particularly prominent example of the nature of Chinese-led multilateralism.

Multilateralism and China’s Hedging Strategy 

Multilateralism and China’s Hedging Strategy 

By Kaize ZHU
Nations – including China – hedge to secure their interests in an increasingly multipolar world.

Making China-US Ties More Resilient 

Making China-US Ties More Resilient 

By Jin Kai
Rather than wait and see what “life after Xi” looks like, it is more urgent, practical, and constructive to make Washington’s relationship with Beijing resilient (once again).

Stop Calling China a ‘Revisionist Power’

Stop Calling China a ‘Revisionist Power’

By Zenel Garcia
To truly understand the impact of China’s global initiatives, we need to stop thinking in a status quo-revisionist binary.
Can China Really Build a New World Order?

Can China Really Build a New World Order?

By Nicholas Bequelin
If Beijing’s current foreign policy is anything to go by, the most likely outcome of its push to remake global governance is disorder, not a new Chinese world order.

In Global Battle for Hearts and Minds, China and Russia Have Edge Over US

In Global Battle for Hearts and Minds, China and Russia Have Edge Over US

By Dmitriy Nurullayev
Analysis of 30 years of U.N. data reveals that China and Russia have been far more successful in winning support for their positions from the global community.
Will China’s ‘Global Security Initiative’ Catch on?

Will China’s ‘Global Security Initiative’ Catch on?

By Ovigwe Eguegu
China will need to secure buy-in from some other major global players if it wants the GSI to succeed.

Elizabeth Economy on ‘The World According to China’

Elizabeth Economy on ‘The World According to China’

By Shannon Tiezzi
“China’s ability to influence the behavior of international actors is often less than we believe.”

China, Climate Change, and COVID-19: An Interview With Kevin Rudd

China, Climate Change, and COVID-19: An Interview With Kevin Rudd

By Jongsoo Lee
The former Australian prime minister discusses the challenges facing the Indo-Pacific, including the many facets of China’s rise.

China’s Approach to Global Governance

China’s Approach to Global Governance

By Yanzhong Huang and Joshua Kurlantzick
China’s strategy brings some positives for the world, but poses the dangerous risk of a global governance divide.
‘Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy’ Fails to Impress – or Reassure

‘Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy’ Fails to Impress – or Reassure

By Denny Roy
Though the credo is mainly a PR exercise to massage China’s image, it leaves plenty of cause for global concern.

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