
China-Latin America

Why Is Mexico Putting Tariffs on Chinese Imports?

Why Is Mexico Putting Tariffs on Chinese Imports?

By Juan Pablo Villasmíl and Joseph Bouchard
As bilateral trade hits record-highs, the country may be looking to exercise leverage and improve its terms.

Washington’s Backyard: The Caribbean Amid Sino-American Competition

Washington’s Backyard: The Caribbean Amid Sino-American Competition

By Bradley J. Murg and Rasheed J. Griffith
China's engagement with the region is altogether more patchy than many popular prognoses make out.
The Missing Link in China’s Economic Ambitions in Latin America

The Missing Link in China’s Economic Ambitions in Latin America

By Wenyuan Wu
The spotty records of Chinese companies on sustainability continue to undermine Beijing’s ambitions in the region.

China Says Latin America 'Eager' to Join Belt and Road

China Says Latin America 'Eager' to Join Belt and Road

By Charlotte Gao
China invites Latin American and Caribbean states to join the Belt and Road Initiative.

Why China Is Not Bound to Lead Latin America

Why China Is Not Bound to Lead Latin America

By Dawisson Belém Lopes
There's something missing in Beijing's relations with Latin America.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Maduro: China Gives $5 Billion Loan to Venezuela

Maduro: China Gives $5 Billion Loan to Venezuela

By Shannon Tiezzi
Is China bailing out Venezuela?

China’s Goals in South America

China’s Goals in South America

By Shannon Tiezzi
China's main goals in South America are economic, but it also hopes to win public and political support.
China’s Push Into ‘America’s Backyard’

China’s Push Into ‘America’s Backyard’

By Shannon Tiezzi
China's new outreach to CELAC is only one part of Beijing's growing engagement with Central and Latin America.

Did Xi Call Diaoyu/Senkakus A “Core Interest?”

Did Xi Call Diaoyu/Senkakus A “Core Interest?”

Plus, concern grows over local government debt and economic growth. Friday China links.

China’s Leaders Abroad; What the First Visits Tell Us

China’s Leaders Abroad; What the First Visits Tell Us

China’s new foreign policy leaders have been quick to travel. Their choice of first destinations is revealing.

China and Latin America: Big Business and Big Competition

China and Latin America: Big Business and Big Competition

China is becoming a major player in Latin American and Caribbean economies.

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