
China-Latin America trade

Why Is Mexico Putting Tariffs on Chinese Imports?

Why Is Mexico Putting Tariffs on Chinese Imports?

By Juan Pablo Villasmíl and Joseph Bouchard
As bilateral trade hits record-highs, the country may be looking to exercise leverage and improve its terms.

The Geopolitical Ripple: How China-US Tensions Reshape Business in Latin America

The Geopolitical Ripple: How China-US Tensions Reshape Business in Latin America

By Thiago de Aragao
The rivalry between Washington and Beijing has put Latin American countries in a challenging position, particularly as the region's economic dependence on China grows.
What China’s Long-Term Economic Weakness Means for the Developing World

What China’s Long-Term Economic Weakness Means for the Developing World

By R. Evan Ellis
Latin America – dependent on commodity exports and with few other options for finance – will likely be among the regions most harmed by a protracted downturn in China’s economy.

Lula and Latin America’s Great China Debate

Lula and Latin America’s Great China Debate

By Filipe Porto
Great power competition is increasingly playing out in Latin America, even as Brazil’s new president seeks a return to regional unity. 

How Latin America Factors Into the US-China Rivalry

How Latin America Factors Into the US-China Rivalry

By Leigh Wedell
Chinese investments and technology are proving a powerful lure for Latin American countries.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Is Latin America Trying to Further the TPP Without Trump?

Is Latin America Trying to Further the TPP Without Trump?

By Anthony Medina Rivas Plata
Will an expanded Pacific Alliance be the successor to the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

Why China Is Not Bound to Lead Latin America

Why China Is Not Bound to Lead Latin America

By Dawisson Belém Lopes
There's something missing in Beijing's relations with Latin America.
Will China Gain From a US Withdrawal in Latin America?

Will China Gain From a US Withdrawal in Latin America?

By Kevin P. Gallagher
Trump's trade bloc exits cement China’s position in the region, but engagement must be sustainable.

Is Latin America of Strategic Importance to China?

Is Latin America of Strategic Importance to China?

By Shaheli Das
For China, Latin American countries will be a key part of its bid to influence global governance.

What’s New About Xi’s 'New Era' of China-Latin America Relations?

What’s New About Xi’s 'New Era' of China-Latin America Relations?

By Matt Ferchen
Xi Jinping’s South America tour is an opportunity to improve trade terms between China and its partners.

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