
China LGBT

One Woman’s Custody Battle Highlights the Challenges Facing Same-Sex Couples in China

One Woman’s Custody Battle Highlights the Challenges Facing Same-Sex Couples in China

By Huizhong Wu
Because same-sex marriage is not recognized in China, there is little legal clarity on child custody and visitation rights.
The End of an Era: Beijing LGBT Center Closes

The End of an Era: Beijing LGBT Center Closes

By Larry Mullin
The center’s shutdown had been feared for months amid tightening restrictions on the LGBTQ community in China.

2 College Students in China Were Disciplined for Giving Out Pride Flags. Can the Law Help Them?

2 College Students in China Were Disciplined for Giving Out Pride Flags. Can the Law Help Them?

By Ding Yuan and Darius Longarino
The case illustrates the intersection of a tightening grip on LGBTQ expression, especially on college campuses, and the determination of some young Chinese to fight for more space.

What a Gay Flight Attendant’s Lost Discrimination Case Says About LGBTQ Rights in China

What a Gay Flight Attendant’s Lost Discrimination Case Says About LGBTQ Rights in China

By Darius Longarino and Yanhui Peng
Chai Cheng’s case is one of the latest chapters in the frustrated struggle of China’s LGBTQ community to obtain legal protection against discrimination.

The Resilience of East Asia’s LGBTQ Community

The Resilience of East Asia’s LGBTQ Community

By Nathanael Cheng, Molly Henry, and Seojung Kim
Amid challenges new and old, the LGBTQ communities in China, South Korea, and Taiwan are finding creative ways to move forward.
China Bans ‘Sissy Men’ From TV

China Bans ‘Sissy Men’ From TV

By Joe McDonald
The latest regulation reflects official concern that Chinese pop stars are making China’s young men too effeminate.

COVID-19 Is Further Disenfranchising China’s Queer Youth

COVID-19 Is Further Disenfranchising China’s Queer Youth

By Lakshmi Iyengar and Yu Songqi
The pandemic and the ensuing need to quarantine, often with conservative family, poses unique issues for young LGBTQ+ Chinese.
Can China Use LGBTQ Rights to Bolster Its Human Rights Reputation?

Can China Use LGBTQ Rights to Bolster Its Human Rights Reputation?

By Jo Kim
LGBTQ issues are one of the few rights areas where some discussion and dissent is allowed.

Hong Kong Court: Same-Sex Couples Entitled to Spousal Benefits

Hong Kong Court: Same-Sex Couples Entitled to Spousal Benefits

By Katie Tam
The ruling is viewed as a step toward LGBT equality in Hong Kong.

How ‘Three Billboards’ Inspired China’s Gay Rights Activists

How ‘Three Billboards’ Inspired China’s Gay Rights Activists

By Kyle Mullin
Trucks painted with slogans – mobile billboards – are the center of a campaign against homosexual conversion therapy.

China's Complicated LGBT Movement

China's Complicated LGBT Movement

By Si Chen
Is China becoming a more open and friendly place for LGBT people? The answer is both yes and no.
China's Complicated Approach to Transgender Rights

China's Complicated Approach to Transgender Rights

By Eugene K. Chow
There is increasing tolerance for transgender Chinese, but only for performers.

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