
China military reforms

How China’s Military Is Preparing for War With Taiwan

How China’s Military Is Preparing for War With Taiwan

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Joel Wuthnow.

Russia’s Stalled Invasion of Ukraine: Lessons for China’s Leaders

Russia’s Stalled Invasion of Ukraine: Lessons for China’s Leaders

By Zi Yang
Russia’s Ukraine invasion holds important takeaways for China about elite politics, foreign policy, and military affairs.
What a Change in China’s Officer Rank and Grade System Tells Us About PLA Reform

What a Change in China’s Officer Rank and Grade System Tells Us About PLA Reform

By James Char
New interim regulations to improve the PLA’s officer management system and recruitment policies are more evidence of China's long time horizons for military prowess.

The Latest Target of China’s Military Reform: Reserve Forces 

The Latest Target of China’s Military Reform: Reserve Forces 

By Ying-Yu Lin
China’s decision to centralize command of reserve forces signals that military restructuring is still ongoing. 

What the Fight Against the New Coronavirus Tells Us About the Post-Reform PLA

What the Fight Against the New Coronavirus Tells Us About the Post-Reform PLA

By Ying Yu Lin
The coronavirus outbreak has revealed potential issues in PLA logistics integration and command after the major overhaul of 2015.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

What Recent Promotions Tells Us About the ‘New Normal’ in China’s Military

What Recent Promotions Tells Us About the ‘New Normal’ in China’s Military

By Ying Yu Lin
After uncertainty caused by reform and anti-corruption, the PLA’s personnel management is returning to normal patterns.

Innovation in the New Era of Chinese Military Power

Innovation in the New Era of Chinese Military Power

By Elsa B. Kania
What to make of the new Chinese defense white paper, the first since 2015.
Army Day in China Exposes Xi Jinping’s PLA Challenges

Army Day in China Exposes Xi Jinping’s PLA Challenges

By Bonnie Girard
Problems abound, from closing down PLA businesses to taking care of veterans.

The Ideology Behind China’s Fast-Changing Military

The Ideology Behind China’s Fast-Changing Military

By Zi Yang
Understanding the motivations behind reforms helps us project what's next for the PLA.

The Early Returns of China’s Military Reforms

The Early Returns of China’s Military Reforms

By Ying Yu Lin
China’s increased capability for joint operations means Taiwan must rethink the Chinese military threat.

China's Americanized Military

China's Americanized Military

By Don Tse
The PLA is set to become the largest “American” military force to pose a threat to the U.S.
PLA Strategic Support Force: The 'Information Umbrella' for China's Military

PLA Strategic Support Force: The 'Information Umbrella' for China's Military

By Elsa Kania
Beyond cyber and space warfare, the SSF will play a key role in conventional joint operations.

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