
China military technology

The Strategic Implications of China’s ‘Divine Dragon’ Spaceplane 

The Strategic Implications of China’s ‘Divine Dragon’ Spaceplane 

By Namrata Goswami and Peter Garretson
Having inexpensive and reusable space access – China’s goal in developing the Shenlong spaceplane – carries major national security implications.

Beyond Defense: China’s Pursuit of Unorthodox Force Multipliers

Beyond Defense: China’s Pursuit of Unorthodox Force Multipliers

By Ron Matthews and Fitriani Bintang Timur
From animal mimicry to neuroscience, there is a hidden arms race underway in areas beyond “defense,” as traditionally understood.
China, Lawfare, and the Contest for Control of Low Earth Orbit

China, Lawfare, and the Contest for Control of Low Earth Orbit

By Glenn Chafetz and Xavier Ortiz
The Chinese government seeks strategic advantage in space through attacks on the Western private sector.

Xi Jinping’s Vision for Artificial Intelligence in the PLA

Xi Jinping’s Vision for Artificial Intelligence in the PLA

By Koichiro Takagi
China is seeking to use “intelligentization” to build a “world-class” military.

China’s Directed Energy Weapons and Counterspace Applications

China’s Directed Energy Weapons and Counterspace Applications

By Oskar Glaese
China's non-kinetic physical anti-satellite weapons, including DEWs, will play a critical part in future warfare.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Reviewing China’s New Stealth Fighters

Reviewing China’s New Stealth Fighters

By Rick Joe
What we know about the twin seat J-20 and carrier-borne FC-31 fighter – and a mystery tailless airframe captured in satellite imagery.

J-20: The Stealth Fighter That Changed PLA Watching Forever

J-20: The Stealth Fighter That Changed PLA Watching Forever

By Rick Joe
A decade after the J-20's maiden flight, a look back at China's fifth generation stealth fighter – and how it changed PLA watching forever.
The PLA’s AI Competitions

The PLA’s AI Competitions

By Marcus Clay
Can the new design contests foster a culture of military innovation in China?

The PLA’s New Push for Military Technology Innovation

The PLA’s New Push for Military Technology Innovation

By Dr. Marcus Clay
As the U.S.-China technological competition intensifies, the Chinese military has created new mechanisms to accelerate military innovation. Will they succeed?

The Economic and Military Impact of China’s BeiDou Navigation System

The Economic and Military Impact of China’s BeiDou Navigation System

By Namrata Goswami and Namrata Goswami
The combination of recent technological developments offers a China-led world order a definitive competitive edge.

Does Russian Military Aviation Have Anything Left to Offer China?

Does Russian Military Aviation Have Anything Left to Offer China?

By Abraham Ait
A look at the possibility of further Russia fighter sales to the People’s Liberation Army.
The Impact of Chinese Espionage on the United States

The Impact of Chinese Espionage on the United States

By Nicholas Eftimiades
What is the cumulative impact of China’s espionage activities for the United States' economy, security, and politics?

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