China model

Hasina’s Failed Pursuit of the China Model
By Shafi Md Mostofa
The ousted Bangladeshi prime minister failed to replicate China’s success for two critical reasons: ideological disconnect and economic decline.

China Pitches Its Model of Modernization to the Global South
By Shruti Jargad
There is a shift underway in China’s Global South diplomacy, as Beijing seeks to compensate for less financial firepower by focusing more on governance and capacity building.

Engagement With China Has Had a Multifaceted Impact on Latin American Democracy
By R. Evan Ellis
While Beijing may not deliberately promote authoritarian regimes in Latin America, implicit risks to the dynamics of democracies arise out of engagement with China.

The Political Aims of ‘Xi Jinping Thought’
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Steve Tsang and Olivia Cheung.

Will the ‘Chinese Path to Modernization’ Lead to Global Divergence?
By Zeyu Xu and Dingding Chen
China's push to promote its own development model abroad has raised concerns. Are the divergent paths of the key global players as conflicting as they seem?

China and the World: Can China Lead?
By Jongsoo Lee
An interview with William Kirby on China's ambitions, soft power, and education.

China’s Infrastructure-Heavy Model for African Growth Is Failing
By Thierry Pairault
In Ethiopia and Kenya, the attractive illusion of the “China model” has had grave financial consequences.

8 Chinese Arguments Against Western ‘Hubris’ and Why They Fail
By Denny Roy
It may be premature to assess a decline of the West.

Can the Belt and Road Help Countries Replicate China’s Development Successes?
By David Skidmore
Ironically, the solutions proposed by the BRI contradict China’s own development model.

Understanding the US-China Trade Disconnect
By Liu Baocheng and Hilton Root
Without evidence that its basic economic system will fail, talks will not force China to change its development path.

Vietnam's Communist Chief Is No Xi Jinping
By David Hutt
Misguided comparisons rest on a fundamental misunderstanding of the capabilities and limits of the Vietnamese Communist Party chief.

China’s ‘New Type of Party System’: A ‘Multiparty’ System for Foreign Consumption?
By Julia Bowie and Nathanael Callan
The CCP rebrands China’s political party system for external propaganda.
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