China monetary policy
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China’s Subtle But Significant Attitude Change on Monetary Policy
By Spencer Sheehan
The People’s Bank of China’s monetary policy changes are strongly impacting the outlook for 2017 and beyond.

Asia To Fed: Your Move First
By Anthony Fensom
Asian central banks aren't rushing to follow the U.S. lead on monetary tightening.

What's Driving Shanghai's Bull Run?
By Spencer Sheehan
The Shanghai market is on a winning streak, thanks to beneficial government policies.

On China: A Conversation With Larry Summers
By Maurits Elen
Larry Summers, former U.S. treasury secretary, discusses China's domestic challenges and the lessons of China’s economic success.

China’s Stock Market Meltdown
By Sara Hsu
After an astonishing surge, stocks dive. Can China control it?

China’s Monetary Easing Strategy
By Sara Hsu
With the economy continuing to slow, expect some action on the monetary policy front this year.

China’s Central Bankers Get Creative
By Sara Hsu
The People’s Bank of China has a difficult role to play. But is it constraining market forces?
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