
China Myanmar coup response

The China-Myanmar Economic Corridor and the Limits of China’s BRI Agency

The China-Myanmar Economic Corridor and the Limits of China’s BRI Agency

By Pascal Abb
The case of CMEC and other Chinese business activities in Myanmar show how exposed China is to escalating conflict risks, and offer insight to the role it is playing in the ongoing civil war. 

Thailand to Host ASEAN Talks on Myanmar Conflict This Month

Thailand to Host ASEAN Talks on Myanmar Conflict This Month

By Sebastian Strangio
The December 20 meeting in Bangkok will seek a way through the thicket of Myanmar's intertwined conflicts.
Myanmar Resistance Group Says It Is Willing to Negotiate With Junta

Myanmar Resistance Group Says It Is Willing to Negotiate With Junta

By Sebastian Strangio
The Ta'ang National Liberation Army is one of several rebel groups that have inflicted serious defeats on the Myanmar military over the past year.

Myanmar: Situation Update with Paul Greening

Myanmar: Situation Update with Paul Greening

By Luke Hunt
Is China preparing to put boots on the ground to protect its investments in the country?

Myanmar Rebel Leader Has Been Detained in China, Report Says

Myanmar Rebel Leader Has Been Detained in China, Report Says

By Sebastian Strangio
Peng Daxun, the head of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, is reportedly under house arrest in Yunnan.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Myanmar Junta Chief Embarks on First China Visit Since Coup

Myanmar Junta Chief Embarks on First China Visit Since Coup

By Sebastian Strangio
Min Aung Hlaing's visit to Kunming seems to mark a watershed in Beijing's policy toward the country's civil war.

Small Explosion Damages Chinese Consulate in Mandalay

Small Explosion Damages Chinese Consulate in Mandalay

By Sebastian Strangio
The apparent attack comes at a time of growing Chinese support for the beleaguered military junta in Naypyidaw.
In Myanmar, An Impossible Election Is in China’s Interests

In Myanmar, An Impossible Election Is in China’s Interests

By Luke Hunt
With the country's state of emergency due to expire at the end of the month, the junta is plotting its next move.

The Myanmar Junta Is Losing Its Foreign Backers

The Myanmar Junta Is Losing Its Foreign Backers

By Ivan U. Klyszcz and Harold Chambers
Increasingly, the junta has no one to lean on except for a distracted Russia.

China’s Foreign Minister Meets Junta Leader in Myanmar

China’s Foreign Minister Meets Junta Leader in Myanmar

By Shannon Tiezzi
Qin Gang paid his first visit to Myanmar on May 2, during which he pledged to increase Chinese economic engagement with the military regime.

The China-Myanmar Economic Corridor, 2 Years After the Coup

The China-Myanmar Economic Corridor, 2 Years After the Coup

By Timothy Millar
After some initial hesitation, China is moving CMEC ahead in tandem with Myanmar’s military rulers – at least where the situation is stable enough to do so.
As Myanmar Coup Intensifies Regional Human Trafficking, How Will China Respond?

As Myanmar Coup Intensifies Regional Human Trafficking, How Will China Respond?

By Debby S. W. Chan
The growth of human rights atrocities in Myanmar has spilled over to the region – including Chinese nationals forced into labor.

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