China-Nauru relations

China Is Learning to Be a Better Aid Partner in the Pacific. The West Can Too.
By Jonah Bock
Beijing’s politically focused aid gives the United States a unique opportunity, as it maps where Beijing’s interests are deeply sown or where China is trying to expand its influence.

The Nauru-Australia Security Treaty: Win-Win or Trouble Ahead?
By Joanne Wallis and Jack Corbett
At first glance, Australia’s new treaty with Nauru seems to be benefit both sides. But questions remain.

Nauru’s Geopolitical Clout
By Patricia O’Brien
The diplomatic battle between Taipei and Beijing is but one arena where Nauru is flexing muscle that greatly exceeds its demographic and geographic size.

Nauru Switches Ties From Taipei to Beijing
By Dechlan Brennan
In the immediate aftermath of Taiwan’s elections, in which the DPP retained the presidency, Nauru announced its decision to establish diplomatic relations with China.

Australia’s Nauru Conundrum
By Grant Wyeth
The detention facility’s purpose has diminished, but the country’s geopolitical importance has increased. In the meantime, 73 people languish there.
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