
China nine-dashed line

Anwar Ibrahim Has a China Problem at Luconia Shoals

Anwar Ibrahim Has a China Problem at Luconia Shoals

By Ganesh Sahathevan
The repeated Chinese incursions in the country’s exclusive economic zone are a problem for Malaysia – and for the region as a whole.
China’s New ‘Standard Map’ Does Not Mean What You Think It Means

China’s New ‘Standard Map’ Does Not Mean What You Think It Means

By Mark Raymond and David A. Welch
Nothing in the map suggests that China is making a novel territorial claim. In fact, Beijing may be quietly walking one particularly questionable claim back.

Vietnam Joins ASEAN Neighbors in Denouncing Chinese Map

Vietnam Joins ASEAN Neighbors in Denouncing Chinese Map

By Sebastian Strangio
Beijing's “new standard” map depicts the country's maximalist claim over nearly the entire South China Sea.

Vietnam’s Censoring of ‘Barbie’ Is a Reflection of the Party’s Paranoia

Vietnam’s Censoring of ‘Barbie’ Is a Reflection of the Party’s Paranoia

By Minh Tran
The overreaction to the film's alleged depiction of China's "nine-dash line" claim is a feature, not a bug, of the country's culture of censorship.

Vietnam Nixes ‘Barbie’ Release Over South China Sea Map

Vietnam Nixes ‘Barbie’ Release Over South China Sea Map

By Sebastian Strangio
The upcoming film is the latest to fall afoul of the country's censors for depicting a map containing China's "nine-dash line" maritime claim.
US Warns China Against ‘Harassment’ of Philippine Vessels

US Warns China Against ‘Harassment’ of Philippine Vessels

By Sebastian Strangio
The statement from Washington followed another near-collision between Philippine and Chinese ships in the South China Sea.

China, Indonesia, and Malaysia: Waltzing Around Oil Rigs

China, Indonesia, and Malaysia: Waltzing Around Oil Rigs

By Emirza Adi Syailendra
Malaysia and Indonesia have tacitly consented to China’s assertive actions in the South China Sea.
US State Department Study Dismisses China’s ‘Unlawful Maritime Claims’ in South China Sea

US State Department Study Dismisses China’s ‘Unlawful Maritime Claims’ in South China Sea

By Shannon Tiezzi
The study examined the legal case for China’s South China Sea claims and found it wanting.

Bill Hayton on the South China Sea in 2020

Bill Hayton on the South China Sea in 2020

By Ankit Panda
“There is nothing ‘historic’ about China’s ‘historic rights’ claim” in the South China Sea.

Malaysia’s New Game in the South China Sea

Malaysia’s New Game in the South China Sea

By Nguyen Hong Thao
What to make of Kuala Lumpur’s new claim to an extended continental shelf in the South China Sea.

Indonesia New North Natuna Sea: A Response to an Old China Problem

Indonesia New North Natuna Sea: A Response to an Old China Problem

By Luke Hunt
A recent name change is rooted in deeper disagreements between Jakarta and Beijing related to the South China Sea.
Merely Avoiding Conflict in the South China Sea Is Not Good Enough

Merely Avoiding Conflict in the South China Sea Is Not Good Enough

By Jonathan G. Odom
Management of Asia-Pacific maritime disputes must be both practical and rules-based.

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