China nuclear build-up

A Non-Weaponized Deterrence Approach to China-US Strategic Relations
By Mathew Jie Sheng Yeo
Credible latent nuclear capability could be the key to preventing a China-U.S. arms race without sacrificing deterrence.

Understanding China’s Approach to Nuclear Deterrence
By Alex Alfirraz Scheers
It has never been more crucial to understand China’s approach to deterrence, in order to bring a much-needed sense of perspective to Sino-American nuclear dynamics.

Is the US Finally Taking China’s NFU Seriously?
By Daniel Schoolenberg
The U.S. is open to considering a proposal by China that nuclear weapons states negotiate a treaty on the no-first use (NFU) of nuclear weapons.

Danger and Deterrence in Japan’s Security Environment
By Marcos González Gava
“We must handle the hypothesis of an imminent threat as long as nuclear weapons exist.”

The Nuclear Shadows of the Russia-Ukraine War: A Chinese Perspective
By Lyle Goldstein and Nathan Waechter
How are Chinese strategists viewing the debate over tactical nuclear use and escalation in the Ukraine war?

China-US Nuclear Arms Control Talks: A Much-Needed First Step
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Ahead of the anticipated Biden-Xi meeting, officials from both sides met in Washington for arms control and nonproliferation talks.

Asia’s Nuclear Future
By Cheryl Rofer
Even in today’s unsettled environment, the prospects for additional states to develop nuclear weapons are low. But if there is a next nuclear power, it’ll be found in Asia.

China-US Tensions Put Nuclear War Back in the Spotlight
By Jacob Parakilas
A nuclear arms race isn’t new, per se, but it does help refocus our attention on dangers that have long been with us.

China’s Nuclear Gambit
By Valerie Niquet
Don’t be distracted by the aerial incursions and naval build-ups – the real action is China’s nuclear build-up, in the hopes of deterring any U.S. intervention in a regional conflict.
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