China outbound investment

The Belt and Road After COVID-19
By Plamen Tonchev
Possible post-pandemic scenarios for China’s long-term foreign policy strategy.

Will COVID-19 Halt China’s ‘Going out’ Economic Strategy?
By Chan Kung and Wei Hongxu
The novel coronavirus outbreak will contribute to downward pressures on China’s outbound investment, including the Belt and Road.

Is China a Global Force for Good?
By Brian R. Moore
A broader look at the impact of China's rise on the world.

A New Model for China’s Outbound M&A Deals?
By Marc Szepan
Chinese state-owned enterprises and private equity firms form winning teams in acquiring foreign companies.

China Urges Companies to ‘Go Global’
By Shannon Tiezzi
Increasing China's outbound investment is part of Beijing's long-term economic and political strategy.
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