China peaceful rise

China’s Preference for Hard Power Is Creating Major Headaches for Beijing
By Guy C. Charlton and Xiang Gao
Taiwan’s election result points to a broader trend: China is failing to use soft power effectively, and paying the reputational price.

China’s Conundrum and the Pottery Barn Rule
By Alexander C. Tan and Neel Vanvari
“You break it, you own it”: China has broken many of its relationships with its neighbors; now Beijing must own the results.

China’s Liberal Hawk: Yan Xuetong’s Vision for Chinese Benevolent Dominance
By Pär Nyrén
Reviewing the noted Chinese foreign policy thinker’s latest book.

5 Reasons Why China Is Not the Soviet Union
By Jin Kai
Construing China as a threat to the United States in the model of the old USSR overlooks important differences.

China’s Peaceful Modernization Does Not Mean Westernization
By Jin Kai
What U.S. officials get wrong about China's rise.

China’s Southeast Asia Gambit
By Gatra Priyandita and Trissia Wijaya
"China paradoxically presents both threats and opportunities to Southeast Asia."

The Biggest Misunderstanding About China's Economic Diplomacy
By Jin Kai
No, China hasn't succeeded in "buying" allies -- but that's not what Beijing is trying to do.

China's Newest National Symbol
By David Volodzko
China's new Nobel Prize winner has a story that nicely echos the nation's rise.

Why Are China's Neighbors So Afraid of Her?
By Yang Hengjun
Chinese people need to reflect on why their words and actions are so frightening to other countries.

China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’ and the South China Sea
By Shannon Tiezzi
To Beijing, its conduct in the South China Sea does not contradict promises of a "peaceful rise" for China.

Unintended Consequences of US Alliances in Asia
By Robert E. Kelly
The benefits of US alliances in Asia are often touted, but what about the costs?
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