China population

China Is Far From Alone in Experiencing Population Decline
By Michele Bruni
Beijing can glean valuable lessons from other countries’ struggles with low birthrates – first and foremost the need to embrace immigration.

China Records 1st Population Fall in Decades as Births Drop
By Ken Moritsugu
China's population has begun to decline about a decade earlier than previously expected.

Amid Low Birth Rate Worries, China Increases Pressure on Women
By Chauncey Jung
As Beijing grapples with a coming demographic crisis, China’s state media are taking aim at feminism and abortion services.

China Continues to Underdeliver in Its Plans to Combat the Low Birth Rate
By Chauncey Jung
China's government is aware of the looming demographic crisis. So why is it so reluctant to adopt family-friendly policies?

How Reliable Are China’s Statistics?
By Ben Lowsen
Beijing has both the motive and means to fudge its statistics.

China Loosens Family Planning, Again
By Eleanor Albert
China moves to a three-child policy, but will it make a difference for the plunging birthrate?

China’s Population Is Peaking
By Eleanor Albert
The marginal growth announced by Beijing suggests China’s population is near its peak.

How Many People Are in China? The Government Just Started Counting.
By Shannon Tiezzi
The once-a-decade census is now underway, and the results will have important data on China’s aging population and rural-urban divide.

China's Number of Births Just Keeps Dropping
By Shannon Tiezzi
The two-child policy is helping, but not enough to turn the tide of a looming demographic crisis.
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