China provincial governments

Old Faces Dominate China’s ‘New Era’
By Jarek Grzywacz
With no space for a successor to Xi Jinping, China’s leadership is getting older as generational change slows down.

China’s Domestic Politics Are Driving the Belt and Road Initiative
By Zenel Garcia and Phillip Guerreiro
The geopolitical effects of the BRI are incidental; its driving force is found in domestic political imperatives.

China’s Early COVID-19 Missteps Have an All-Too-Mundane Explanation
By Kyle Jaros
How intergovernmental dynamics influenced the coronavirus outbreak in China.

Many Belts, Many Roads: How China's Provinces Will Tweak a Global Project
By Adrian Raftery
OBOR may be a national-level plan, but the provincial governments will mold the project to suit local needs.
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