
China rule of law

COVID-19 Casualties Among Foreign Companies in China 

COVID-19 Casualties Among Foreign Companies in China 

By Bonnie Girard
After three years, foreign managers are now returning to China – only to find that their businesses are no longer run according to the founding principles and practices.
China’s 709 Crackdown Is Still Going On

China’s 709 Crackdown Is Still Going On

By William Nee
Since the mass arrests on July 9, 2015, the Chinese government has never eased up on its pressure against human rights lawyers.

Xi: China Must Never Adopt Constitutionalism, Separation of Powers, or Judicial Independence

Xi: China Must Never Adopt Constitutionalism, Separation of Powers, or Judicial Independence

By Charlotte Gao
The Chinese president calls for strengthening the Communist Party’s leadership over law in China.

Huawei’s Future Hinges on Its Ability to Outgrow Its Past

Huawei’s Future Hinges on Its Ability to Outgrow Its Past

By Bonnie Girard
Huawei was shaped by its early environment: '80s and '90s Shenzhen, where political connections trumped any law.

Meng Hongwei and the Rule of Law With Chinese Characteristics

Meng Hongwei and the Rule of Law With Chinese Characteristics

By Bonnie Girard
The former Interpol chief is the latest example of China’s problematic justice system.
Abrupt Detention of Meng Hongwei Further Damages China's International Reputation

Abrupt Detention of Meng Hongwei Further Damages China's International Reputation

By Charlotte Gao
Meng, like all other Chinese citizens, deserves procedural justice, one core value of the rule of law which China often ignores.

China Quietly Detains Interpol President Meng Hongwei

China Quietly Detains Interpol President Meng Hongwei

By Charlotte Gao
After a press conference by his wife and Interpol’s formal request, Chinese authorities finally revealed Meng’s whereabouts.
China Vows to Protect The Authority of Police

China Vows to Protect The Authority of Police

By Charlotte Gao
Conflicts between Chinese police and citizens have dramatically increased in recent years.

Michael Caster on China's Forced Disappearances

Michael Caster on China's Forced Disappearances

By Shannon Tiezzi
Caster talks about a new collection of firsthand accounts from the disappeared.

The People's Republic of the Disappeared

The People's Republic of the Disappeared

By Michael Caster
From black jails to residential surveillance, Beijing has been trying to normalize enforced disappearances for a decade.

2 Dueling Visions of Human Rights in China

2 Dueling Visions of Human Rights in China

By Shannon Tiezzi
U.S. CECC annual report and China's own human rights action plan showcase starkly different concepts of "human rights."
Xi Jinping as Mao’s Heir? Smashing Chinese Family Dominance

Xi Jinping as Mao’s Heir? Smashing Chinese Family Dominance

By Kerry Brown
Xi does have one thing in common with Mao Zedong: a desire to eliminate China's reliance on renqing.

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