China rural life

COVID-19 Exposed Weaknesses in China’s Rural Healthcare
By Ran Yan
The pandemic exposed notable deficiencies in rural healthcare – starting with the village clinic, the first level of healthcare for rural Chinese.

Rural Affairs Specialist Han Jun Likely to Ascend to Vice Premier in 2022
By Tristan Kenderdine
Han Jun’s elevation to Jilin governor puts this rural policy careerist in strong contention for one of four State Council vice premier positions in 2022.

How Successful Was China’s Poverty Alleviation Drive?
By Zhuoran Li
China eliminated extreme poverty, a monumental achievement. But the root causes of poverty persist.

As Kim Jong Un Crossed China, Did He Like What He Saw?
By Bonnie Girard
Kim’s train ride through China would have sent mixed signals about the country’s development model.

Is This the Year China Gets Serious About Ending Rural Poverty?
By Shannon Tiezzi
China has long spoken of a 'war on poverty,' but recent signs suggest it might be even more of a focus in 2018.

'Dream Town': China's Charming Villages
By Eugene K. Chow
The Chinese government is hoping branded, themed villages can revitalize the countryside.
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