China-Singapore relations

Heng Swee Keat: The Future of US-China-Singapore Relations
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Michael Barr.

Singapore's China-India Balancing Act
By Yu Fu
Singapore needs India for security partnership, but China for economic ties.

China-Singapore Relations in 2017: Better Than 'Normal'
By Xirui Li
After a chill in 2016, China-Singapore relations were back to normal -- and beyond -- in 2017.

The Belt and Road Initiative and China's Southeast Asia Diplomacy
By Xue Li and Li Yongke
Ranking China's potential BRI partners in Southeast Asia.

China and ASEAN Aim for First Joint Maritime Exercise
By Charlotte Gao
China has called for a joint maritime exercise with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for years.

Regional Security Stakes In Southeast Asia
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Joseph Chinyong Liow.

Singapore's China Conundrum
By Michael Tai
The city-state might have badly miscalculated by tilting too close to the United States at China's expense.

Why Is China Playing Hardball With Singapore?
By Lieke Bos
Is this the start of a new Chinese approach to Southeast Asia?

Lee Kuan Yew’s Legacy for China-Singapore Relations
By Chen Nahui and Xue Li
LKY's efforts to balance between China and the US still shape Singaporean diplomacy, including on the South China Sea.

China Protests Singapore’s Military Exercise With Taiwan
By Cal Wong
Singapore's Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles are held up in Hong Kong on their way back from an exercise in Taiwan.

Can Singapore Smooth China-ASEAN Relations?
By Shannon Tiezzi
From China, Singapore's foreign minister offers to pave the way for productive China-ASEAN relations.

Singapore Wants to Defuse South China Sea Tensions With Naval Protocol
By Prashanth Parameswaran
City-state suggests expanding CUES to lower the temperature over simmering disputes.