China soft power Southeast Asia

China’s Educational Soft Power Is Seeing Results in Indonesia
By Azis Anwar Fahcrodin
Generous government scholarships have generated positive impressions of China – and even an impulse to defend its policies in the face of Western criticism.

China’s ‘Think-Tank Diplomacy’ is Gaining Traction in Indonesia
By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
Partnerships between Indonesian and Chinese research institutes are an increasingly prominent part of Beijing's "soft power" strategy. Are they working?

Will China’s Railway in Laos Help Bolster Its ‘Soft Power’?
By Daniele Carminati
The inauguration of the long-promised rail line offers Beijing a chance to burnish its image in mainland Southeast Asia.

Chinese Culture Gradually Penetrates Indonesia
By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
Cultural activities are also a key part of the BRI, even though their influence remains limited so far.

The New US Hard Line Toward China Is Worrying Southeast Asia
By Mark J. Valencia
As U.S. policy toward China becomes more confrontational, its soft power in Asia is waning.

US Makes Up Some Lost Diplomatic Ground Over South China Sea
By Mark J. Valencia
After some setbacks, the U.S. is making progress in its diplomatic struggle with China.

China Plays Up ASEAN Confucius Institute Presence With Laos Project
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A new project spotlights Beijing’s use of these institutions within broader ASEAN-China ties.
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