
China soft power

Engagement With China Has Had a Multifaceted Impact on Latin American Democracy

Engagement With China Has Had a Multifaceted Impact on Latin American Democracy

By R. Evan Ellis
While Beijing may not deliberately promote authoritarian regimes in Latin America, implicit risks to the dynamics of democracies arise out of engagement with China.

Why Can’t China Attract Students From Developed Countries Anymore?

Why Can’t China Attract Students From Developed Countries Anymore?

A recent set of proposals seeks to address an alarming decline.
China’s Preference for Hard Power Is Creating Major Headaches for Beijing

China’s Preference for Hard Power Is Creating Major Headaches for Beijing

By Guy C. Charlton and Xiang Gao
Taiwan’s election result points to a broader trend: China is failing to use soft power effectively, and paying the reputational price.

China Seeks an Image Makeover in Sri Lanka

China Seeks an Image Makeover in Sri Lanka

By Rathindra Kuruwita
To project itself as a more benevolent power, it is providing dry rations to Sri Lankans.

China’s Educational Soft Power Is Seeing Results in Indonesia

China’s Educational Soft Power Is Seeing Results in Indonesia

By Azis Anwar Fahcrodin
Generous government scholarships have generated positive impressions of China – and even an impulse to defend its policies in the face of Western criticism.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China’s Foreign PR Enablers

China’s Foreign PR Enablers

By Sarah Cook
Public relations firms based in target countries play a critical role in the Chinese government’s global propaganda system.

Genshin Impact and Chinese Nationalism

Genshin Impact and Chinese Nationalism

By Song Tang
The mega-success of the RPG is seen as a win for China’s soft power.
Belt and Road Buddhism in Sri Lanka?

Belt and Road Buddhism in Sri Lanka?

By Tabita Rosendal
China is using Buddhist narratives to promote its soft power in Sri Lanka – and bolster its image as a harmonious regional power.

Laos and ‘Xiplomacy’

Laos and ‘Xiplomacy’

By Sribala Subramanian
China’s leader has leveraged a boyhood connection into a blooming strategic partnership.

China’s ‘Think-Tank Diplomacy’ is Gaining Traction in Indonesia

China’s ‘Think-Tank Diplomacy’ is Gaining Traction in Indonesia

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
Partnerships between Indonesian and Chinese research institutes are an increasingly prominent part of Beijing's "soft power" strategy. Are they working?

China’s Poor Global Image Is Undermining Its Strategic Goals

China’s Poor Global Image Is Undermining Its Strategic Goals

By Joshua Kurlantzick
From Europe and North America to the Global South, trust in Beijing has rapidly deteriorated over the past few years.
Assessing the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics: Soft Power, Politics, and the Future of the Games

Assessing the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics: Soft Power, Politics, and the Future of the Games

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Susan Brownell.

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