
China Solar Industry

What Do Tongwei and LONGi’s Struggles Say About the Future of Solar Supply Chains?

What Do Tongwei and LONGi’s Struggles Say About the Future of Solar Supply Chains?

By Chris Hankin
The two Chinese companies play a dominant role in the solar panel supply chain. Now even they are suffering from overconcentration of the solar industry.

New Energy Competition: It’s Politics First for Both US and China

New Energy Competition: It’s Politics First for Both US and China

By Rakshith Shetty
Both China and the U.S. are looking to tariffs and other trade barriers to protect their clean energy industries. The outcome is likely to be a more protectionist world economy.
How China Became the World’s Clean Tech Giant

How China Became the World’s Clean Tech Giant

By Rakshith Shetty
Analyzing China’s dominance in the wind, solar, and electric vehicle sectors.

How Will Tokyo’s Solar Panel Mandate Handle Allegations of Forced Labor in China?

How Will Tokyo’s Solar Panel Mandate Handle Allegations of Forced Labor in China?

By Daisuke Akimoto
Tokyo’s metropolitan government is requiring new construction to use solar panels, but the industry’s reliance on parts from Xinjiang poses a thorny moral dilemma.

How China Can Make the Most of Its Solar Energy Boom

How China Can Make the Most of Its Solar Energy Boom

By Samuel Corwin
China's solar industry has made great strides, but national priorities continue to be undermined by local realities.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China’s Solar Power Dominance and Trump’s Trade Tariffs

China’s Solar Power Dominance and Trump’s Trade Tariffs

By Samuel Corwin
What are the consequences of the Trump administration’s tariffs on foreign-made solar cells?

The Chaori Corporate Bond Default and Financial Stability

The Chaori Corporate Bond Default and Financial Stability

By Sara Hsu
The Chaori default may improve risk signaling, but broader reforms are still needed.
It’s Official: China’s Chaori Defaulted

It’s Official: China’s Chaori Defaulted

By Zachary Keck
The first default in China’s onshore debt market has finally occurred. Now what?

China’s Solar Industry Wins Reprieve

China’s Solar Industry Wins Reprieve

A partial settlement with the EU trade spat avoids catastrophe. But the industry still faces severe problems.

Will the EU Kill China's Solar Industry?

Will the EU Kill China's Solar Industry?

Massive punitive tariffs on Chinese solar panels from the EU could be coming.

Stormy Days for China's Solar Industry

Stormy Days for China's Solar Industry

Problems at LDK Solar point once again to the growing financial difficulties in China’s solar industry.

On the Brink? China's Solar Industry Debt Drama

On the Brink? China's Solar Industry Debt Drama

Suntech, Chaori and LDK Solar— are all struggling to meet their debt obligations. Is a default coming?

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