
China space

Managing the Military Problem of Space: The Case of China, Part 1

Managing the Military Problem of Space: The Case of China, Part 1

By Robert Farley
In some ways, China’s space doctrine has grown similar to that of the United States.
China’s Tianwen-1 Lands Rover on Mars

China’s Tianwen-1 Lands Rover on Mars

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
A significant technological feat for China, Beijing’s accomplishment is also a reminder of the revved-up space competition among the major space powers. 

China Launches Core Space Station Module

China Launches Core Space Station Module

By Abhijnan Rej
The country expects to complete construction of its space station, called Tiangong, next year.

China Is Evolving a Distinct Space Culture

China Is Evolving a Distinct Space Culture

By Molly Silk
With all eyes on the development of China’s space technologies, one vital area has been overlooked: the swelling wave of a unique Chinese “space culture.”

Why China’s Long March 11 Launch Matters

Why China’s Long March 11 Launch Matters

By Namrata Goswami
The sea-based launch will have critical policy implications for future space missions.
China Lands Spacecraft on 'Dark' Side of the Moon

China Lands Spacecraft on 'Dark' Side of the Moon

By Ken Moritsugu
With a world first, China is closing in on “space power” status.

Did Trump Just Kick off the Space Race 2.0 With China?

Did Trump Just Kick off the Space Race 2.0 With China?

By Charlotte Gao
While China pursues its space plan, Donald Trump signs a directive to send U.S. astronauts back to the Moon.

China’s Deceptively Weak Anti-Satellite Capabilities

By Jaganath Sankaran
Relax, China's ASAT capabilities do not threaten U.S. satellites.

China Launches Experimental Satellites

By Ankit Panda
In September, China launched multiple satellites, including the Yaogan-21 and the experimental Tiantuo-2.

China Secretly Tested an Anti-Satellite Missile

China Secretly Tested an Anti-Satellite Missile

By Zachary Keck
A new report “strongly suggests” that China secretly tested a new ASAT missile in May of last year.

American Space Strategy: Choose to Steer, Not Drift

American Space Strategy: Choose to Steer, Not Drift

America can advance its national interests more effectively by taking an integrated approach to its space capabilities and international cooperation.

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