China standard setting

China and Russia Want to Rule the Global Internet
By Charles Mok
Their model of surveillance and censorship threatens a free, open, and secure future internet.

What’s Behind China’s New National Standardization Outline Document?
By Arjun Gargeyas and Megha Pardhi
To become a global leader in standard-setting, China first needs to focus on domestic standards.

China’s Global Network of Vocational Colleges to Train the World
By Niva Yau and Dirk van der Kley
At Luban Workshops locals are trained on Chinese technology with Chinese standards as part of a full court press to globalize Chinese tech.

Should the West Fear China’s Increasing Role in Technical Standard Setting?
By Xirui Li and Dingding Chen
As a newcomer to the process, China will surely bring changes. But fears about China's role are often overblown.
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