China state-owned enterprises

China’s Heavy Economic Legacy of State Ownership and Central Planning
By Itzhak Goldberg
Waning productivity and declining growth in China cannot be explained by the pandemic or even demographic shifts. It is also the consequence of an unfinished reform agenda.

Will China Create a New State-Owned Enterprise to Monopolize Artificial Intelligence?
By Shaoshan Liu
Since AI has become essential to national interest, China may not be willing to leave its development in the hands of private companies.

Understanding the US-China Trade Disconnect
By Liu Baocheng and Hilton Root
Without evidence that its basic economic system will fail, talks will not force China to change its development path.

China’s Trade Practices Spawn Tough Questions But No Easy Solutions
By Stephen Olson
China’s problematic policies are clear enough – but how to respond is a much trickier question.

Can China Keep Controlling Its SOEs?
By Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard
The Chinese Communist Party shows few signs of easing its control of state-owned enterprises in the country.

Europe Ponders How to Curb China's High-Tech Buying Spree
By Friso Stevens
Struggling to reconcile stark differences, the Commission’s push to level the playing field is unlikely to make a dent.

Alicia Garcia-Herrero: What US Tax Reform Means for China
By Maurits Elen
How will the new U.S. tax system affect the world’s second largest economy?

Can China Fix Its Debt Woes?
By Xinling Wang
Some positive signals came out of the 19th Party Congress, but reform will be an uphill battle.

How to Reform China’s SOEs
By Spencer Sheehan
The IMF has clear guidelines for SOE reform, but results will be a long time coming.

Robert Mann on What to Expect From China's Economy
By Anthony Fensom
An interview with Robert Mann, Senior Portfolio Manager at Nikko Asset Management.

China’s Evolving Economic Statecraft
By Greg Levesque
Beijing’s use of commercial actors to carry out Party-state objectives requires a coordinated response.

China's Answer to the US Military-Industrial Complex
By Leo Lin
The Central Commission for Integrated Military and Civilian Development represents a new trend in civil-military relations.
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