China-Syria relations

China’s Middle East Moment: Will Beijing Seize the Opportunity in Syria?
By Asad Ullah
The Syrian conflict presents a pivotal opportunity for China to exhibit its readiness to assume a true global leadership role.

Syria Is Not One of China’s Strategic Priorities
By Dale Aluf
Make no mistake: China's leadership is not happy about the fall of Assad. But compared to Russia and Iran, Beijing had far less at stake.

How China Could Emerge as an Unexpected Beneficiary From Assad’s Downfall in Syria
By Ali Bilgic
Facing the loss of its sole Arab ally and much of its sphere of influence, Tehran might seek to capitalize on the opening initiated by China to mend ties with the Arab states.

The Limits on China’s Role in Syria
By Guy Burton, Nick Lyall, and Logan Pauley
Damascus may be keen to seek Chinese funds to rebuild, but interest from Beijing and Chinese firms will be tempered by caution.

A New Phase for China’s Ping-Pong Diplomacy in Syria
By Sophie Zinser
Young Syrian table tennis star Hend Zaza is China-bound, just as China’s ambitions in the Levant intensify.

China in Postwar Syria
By Nicholas Lyall
Beijing is set to be a major player as Syria rebuilds – but that includes footing the lion’s share of the bill.

China and the Reconstruction of Syria
By Guy Burton
China is in a strong position to shape Syria’s post-war future. So far, it hasn’t done so.

Why China Wants Syria in its New Belt and Road
By Charlotte Gao
Chinese foreign ministry offers to support Syria’s reconstruction

Will China Pay for Syria to Rebuild?
By Wang Jin
China's political and economic incentives aren't enough for it to spend a massive sum helping Syria rebuild.

Why China Can’t Ignore Syria’s Rebel Factions
By George Marshall Lerner
Beijing might prefer to deal with Assad, but major oil resources are held by rebel groups.

China's Syria Agenda
By Samuel Ramani
China's strategy in Syria aims to advance global acceptance of Beijing's non-interference policy.

Is There Wisdom in China’s Approach to Syria?
By Jeffrey Payne
Beijing has so far been able to avoid entanglement.
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