
China-Tanzania relations

The China Factor in the India-Tanzania Strategic Partnership

The China Factor in the India-Tanzania Strategic Partnership

By Raghvendra Kumar
Tanzania’s skepticism toward China has opened new space for India to upgrade a longstanding partnership.

Tanzanian President’s Visit to China Means One Thing: Africa’s Agenda Matters.

Tanzanian President’s Visit to China Means One Thing: Africa’s Agenda Matters.

By Huiyi Chen and Sena Voncujovi
If African countries like Tanzania have any say in the matter, rumors of the BRI’s death are greatly exaggerated.
What Did China’s Flurry of African Engagements Have to Do With Ukraine?

What Did China’s Flurry of African Engagements Have to Do With Ukraine?

By Lauren Ashmore
Some analysts suggested Beijing was seeking to shore up international support for its position on the Ukraine war. Maybe, but that wasn’t the major impetus for the recent series of bilateral meetings.

How China’s Ambitious Belt and Road Plans for East Africa Came Apart

How China’s Ambitious Belt and Road Plans for East Africa Came Apart

By David Skidmore
China’s infrastructure projects abroad often suffer from misinterpretations of the local political climate.

China’s Foreign Minister Revives Belt and Road on 5-Country Africa Tour

China’s Foreign Minister Revives Belt and Road on 5-Country Africa Tour

By Eleanor Albert
Wang Yi's visit added two new partners for the BRI, among other agreements.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

COVID-19 Spells Trouble for China in East Africa

COVID-19 Spells Trouble for China in East Africa

By Abdou Rahim Lema and Samu Ngwenya
From debt to trade deficits, the pandemic is highlighting existing problems in China’s relationship with the East African Community.

Does China Have a Looming Africa Problem?

Does China Have a Looming Africa Problem?

By Porter Morgan and Jason Nicholson
Some of China's closest partners on the continent are now facing domestic instability.
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