
China threat

Does a New Book on the China Threat Preview a Second Trump Presidency?

Does a New Book on the China Threat Preview a Second Trump Presidency?

By Francis P. Sempa
A new book by James Fanell and Bradley Thayer, with a foreword by Steve Bannon, could foreshadow how Trump administration “super hawks” would approach China policy.

How American Exceptionalism Gave Rise to the China Threat Theory

How American Exceptionalism Gave Rise to the China Threat Theory

By Gabby Green
China, a legitimate contender to the U.S.-led world order, fundamentally challenges the doctrine of American exceptionalism – the basic tenet of U.S. national identity.
India-Vietnam Ties Deepen in Dynamic Indo-Pacific

India-Vietnam Ties Deepen in Dynamic Indo-Pacific

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Given that the China threat looms large for both Vietnam and India, the bilateral relationship between New Delhi and Hanoi is likely to gain even greater traction.

The US Scare Campaign Against China

The US Scare Campaign Against China

By David Skidmore
The political calculations behind exaggerating the “present danger” – from the Cold War to today.

America's China Bashers Are Gaining Steam

America's China Bashers Are Gaining Steam

By Mark J. Valencia
Extremists in the United States have moved Washington’s position from engagement to hardline strategic competition.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Trump’s Trade War on China Is About More Than Trade

Trump’s Trade War on China Is About More Than Trade

By Liu Wei
Forget the trade deficit. The trade war is part of a larger U.S. backlash against China's rise.

Reading From the 'Script' on the South China Sea Issue

Reading From the 'Script' on the South China Sea Issue

By Jin Kai
How two "scripts" are defining the action-reaction cycle in the South China Sea.
China’s Maritime Expansion: Contradictory Threat Analyses from the US Government?

China’s Maritime Expansion: Contradictory Threat Analyses from the US Government?

By Greg Austin
It would be useful if U.S. officials positing a Chinese threat were to take steps to better substantiate their claim.

One Belt, One Road, One Frenzied Debate

One Belt, One Road, One Frenzied Debate

By Dingding Chen
Just like China’s overheating stock market, the ‘OBOR’ debate needs to cool down if it wants sustainable development.

What Can Isaiah Berlin Teach Us About Defense Analysis?

What Can Isaiah Berlin Teach Us About Defense Analysis?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
How to discern good from bad security analysis, according to a philosopher.

Beijing's ‘China Threat’ Theory

Beijing's ‘China Threat’ Theory

By Shannon Tiezzi
China refuses to acknowledge that its neighbors might have legitimate reasons for concern.
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