
China trade

China’s July Exports Tumble by Double Digits, Adding to Pressure to Shore up Flagging Economy

China’s July Exports Tumble by Double Digits, Adding to Pressure to Shore up Flagging Economy

By Joe McDonald
The export contraction was the biggest since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
A Reality Check on China-US Decoupling

A Reality Check on China-US Decoupling

By Tamás Mészáros
Decoupling rhetoric masks the fact that the United States and China play very different economic roles in East Asia and possess very different sources of economic power. 

China Trade Down on Weak Global Demand, COVID Restrictions

China Trade Down on Weak Global Demand, COVID Restrictions

By Joe McDonald
Even as China’s overall trade numbers dropped year-on-year in October, its trade surpluses with the U.S. and EU grew.

How China and the US Threaten the World Trading System

How China and the US Threaten the World Trading System

By Yukon Huang and Jeremy Smith
The world’s two biggest economies are also the biggest threats to the global trading system.

China’s Most Strained Relations Are With Its Most Valuable Trading Partners

China’s Most Strained Relations Are With Its Most Valuable Trading Partners

By Bala Ramasamy, Mathew Yeung, and Wu Howei
A new study shows that the countries most soured on China are also its most important trading partners. Something has to give.
The China Dashboard – Tracking China’s Economic Reforms

The China Dashboard – Tracking China’s Economic Reforms

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Daniel H. Rosen.

China’s Economic Slowdown Ups Global Risks

China’s Economic Slowdown Ups Global Risks

By Anthony Fensom
Countries throughout the region are vulnerable to a slump in China’s economy.
The Global Origins of China’s Domestic Conflicts

The Global Origins of China’s Domestic Conflicts

By Zheng Wang and Vance Crowe
Increasing domestic conflicts are an unintended consequence of the rapid globalization behind China's rise.

China May Join US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks

China May Join US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks

On Thursday Beijing said it is studying the possibility of joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade talks.

China and Georgia’s Economic Relations: Diversity and Contrasts

China and Georgia’s Economic Relations: Diversity and Contrasts

Georgia has adopted Western models of economics and politics, but its trade has benefited from looking East.

No Strings Attached? Evaluating China’s Trade Relations Abroad

No Strings Attached? Evaluating China’s Trade Relations Abroad

China’s trade clout with the developing world may be influencing foreign policy issues.

China and Latin America: Big Business and Big Competition

China and Latin America: Big Business and Big Competition

China is becoming a major player in Latin American and Caribbean economies.

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