China women's rights

Conversations With Chinese Feminists
By Christina Q. Knight
Young women in China are less and less willing to have children or even marry. Conversations with several 20-somethings help reveal why.

The Sexual Revolution Behind China’s Demographic Crisis
By Gabriele Manca
The “one-child policy” didn’t just artificially limit births; it dramatically reshaped the way Chinese society – particularly women – thinks about sex.

Gender Norms and Women’s Double Burden in East Asia
By Jessica Shao and Yoolim Lee
South Korea, Japan, and China share similar issues with entrenched gender norms regarding childcare and employment, which are being reflected in their plunging birthrates.

As China Censors Homegrown Feminism, a Feminist Scholar From Japan Is on Its Bestseller Lists
By Kanis Leung
Japanese scholar Chizuko Ueno doesn’t write about China, but Chinese women are drawn to her critiques of the patriarchal pressures on women.

Amid Human Trafficking Horrors, China’s Claims of Gender Equality Ring Hollow
By Leslie Fu and Jianli Yang
The country has a huge – and largely unaddressed – problem with the trafficking of women and girls.

Women’s Rights in Asia
In the years after #MeToo and COVID-19, is the situation for women in Asia getting better or worse?

5 Takeaways From China’s Big Leadership Announcement
By Shannon Tiezzi
The 20th Party Congress has closed, with Xi Jinping's grip on power even tighter than expected.

Four Years After #MeToo in China: Shrinking Digital Space for Change
By Sara Liao and Rose Luqiu
Chinese authorities and powerful (male) players are resilient in exploiting the same digital affordances that powered #MeToo to drown out victims of sexual violence.

Chinese Feminists Caught Between a Rock and the Party
By Zhuoran Li and Jennifer Lee
The CCP has tacitly encouraged cyber bullying of Chinese feminists to prevent the movement from gaining ground.

How to Fix China’s Population Crisis: Say Sorry to Women
By Mei Fong and Yaqiu Wang
Chinese women are owed profound apologies for the extensive and inhumane acts committed against them during the one-child policy years. But genuine contrition doesn’t stop at words.

2 Women Still Hospitalized After Brutal Attack in Tangshan
By Associated Press
A horrific assault caught on security camera footage sparked widespread outrage over misogyny and violence against women in China.

Amid Low Birth Rate Worries, China Increases Pressure on Women
By Chauncey Jung
As Beijing grapples with a coming demographic crisis, China’s state media are taking aim at feminism and abortion services.
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