

Germany Is Phasing out Chinese Tech From 5G Networks. Is It the Right Call?

Germany Is Phasing out Chinese Tech From 5G Networks. Is It the Right Call?

By Aparna Divya
Germany’s decision to exclude ZTE and Huawei parts from its 5G networks stems from geopolitical anxieties and strategic concerns.

Shifting Models of Sovereignty in the Pacific

Shifting Models of Sovereignty in the Pacific

By Patricia O’Brien
The ambiguous and evolving status of the Cook Islands and Niue holds lessons for other Pacific powers.
With or Without Opening? Previewing China’s Third Plenum Reforms

With or Without Opening? Previewing China’s Third Plenum Reforms

By Nathaniel Sher and Ray Wang
Without efforts to revive market confidence, Beijing’s broader reform agenda could falter.

China’s Third Plenum Shines Light on Center-Local Fiscal Challenges

China’s Third Plenum Shines Light on Center-Local Fiscal Challenges

By Jennifer Lee
China watchers should temper their expectations and anticipate incremental changes building off of existing policy rather than deep reform. 

Finance is No Longer the Darling Career in Xi Jinping’s New Economic Order

Finance is No Longer the Darling Career in Xi Jinping’s New Economic Order

By Lizzi C. Lee
As China shifts its focus from finance to technology, the ripple effects are profound and far-reaching. 

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Why the Panchen Lama Matters

Why the Panchen Lama Matters

By Antonio Terrone
The Panchen Lamas and Dalai Lamas consider themselves “spiritual friends,” but the relationship between the two figures and their communities has hardly been smooth. 

The Manner Coffee Case: Trending Terms, Income Inequality, and China’s Private Sector

The Manner Coffee Case: Trending Terms, Income Inequality, and China’s Private Sector

By Gavin Hsu
A recent Baidu trending search term reveals Beijing’s continued efforts to suppress the private sector.
China’s Bid to Lead the World in AI 

China’s Bid to Lead the World in AI 

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Huey-Meei Chang.

US Ambassador Calls China’s Tech Support for Russia During Ukraine Invasion a ‘Major Mistake’

US Ambassador Calls China’s Tech Support for Russia During Ukraine Invasion a ‘Major Mistake’

By Associated Press
China "is not neutral, but has effectively sided with Russia in this war," U.S. Ambassador to Beijing Nicholas Burns said this week.

Energy at the Crux of Australia-Taiwan Relations

Energy at the Crux of Australia-Taiwan Relations

By Grant Wyeth
Australia effectively powers Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, and, in turn, powers its Silicon Shield. 

India’s Spurning Strategy Toward China: Contestation in Indo-Pacific 

India’s Spurning Strategy Toward China: Contestation in Indo-Pacific 

By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
As far as China-India bilateral relations are concerned, New Delhi has sent repeated signals that it will stick to its position that relations can’t improve until the border mess is cleared up.
The New Reality of Dealing With a China in Decline

The New Reality of Dealing With a China in Decline

By Collins Chong Yew Keat
China’s rapid rise is slowing down, and incumbent global powers that have dominated political, military, and economic spheres for decades are scrambling to respond.

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