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China Slams America on Human Rights

China Slams America on Human Rights

The two countries trade barbs on human rights, with China making some interesting claims.

Did China Just Rebuke the U.S. on Cybersecurity?

Did China Just Rebuke the U.S. on Cybersecurity?

Cyber security will be a difficult issue to tackle, until China and the U.S. agree on who controls the internet.

Why Does the CCP Fear Taxi Rides?

Why Does the CCP Fear Taxi Rides?

An interesting tale — and the reaction to it — may be a sign that Xi has hit the limits of self-promotion for a Chinese president.

China's New Aircraft Carrier: A Long Path Ahead

China's New Aircraft Carrier: A Long Path Ahead

While China’s new carrier has made big strides, the development of a modern carrier strike group will take time.

China Suffers 7.0-Magnitude Earthquake

China Suffers 7.0-Magnitude Earthquake

At least 188 people had been confirmed dead. How will Beijing respond?

Partner in the Pivot?

Partner in the Pivot?

Taipei needs to undertake a pivot of its own, aimed at ensuring that its chief protector can, and will, come to its aid in wartime.

China Has Not (Yet) Changed Its Position on Nuclear Weapons

China Has Not (Yet) Changed Its Position on Nuclear Weapons

Has China abandoned its “no first use” policy when it comes to nuclear weapons? No, says MIT’s M.Taylor Fravel.

Asia Winning War on Poverty

Asia Winning War on Poverty

A new World Bank note finds that Asian countries have reduced the number of people living in poverty — but work remains.

With Tensions Still High Over N. Korea, U.S.-China to Meet

With Tensions Still High Over N. Korea, U.S.-China to Meet

With all sides looking to end the recent crisis, pieces are falling into place for renewed talks.

The A2/AD Hit List

The A2/AD Hit List

The Diplomat’s Editor takes you on a ride through the best work on Anti-Access/Area-Denial.

Friday Flashpoints – Our Weekend Reading List

Friday Flashpoints – Our Weekend Reading List

The Diplomat’s Editor selects the top five defense and foreign policy articles for your weekend reading pleasure.

Northeast Asia's Free Trade Dream

Japan, South Korea and China are slowly working towards a free trade agreement. Will old disagreements kill a possible deal?

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