China's military

Chinese Senior General Commits Suicide Under Corruption Investigation
By Charlotte Gao

What a New PLA Promotion Says About Xi Jinping's Military Control
By Charlotte Gao

Why Isn’t China’s Military More Transparent?
By Zachary Keck

China Confirms Hypersonic Missile Test
By Zachary Keck

China Revamping Its Military To Increase Battle-Readiness
Plus, the 2013 U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Report is out. Friday China links.

China Is a Leading Proliferator of Small Arms
A new report gives a detailed overview of China’s foreign transfers of small arms.

China’s “Warfare” Strategies and Tactics
China employs military actions to achieve political outcomes in territorial disputes. Understanding them is important if conflict is to be avoided.

China’s Military Development, Beyond the Numbers
While reports warn of China’s rising military budget and lack of transparency, numbers and hyped headlines often cloud the bigger picture.

What to Make of China's Defense Spending Increase
The amounts the U.S. and China invest in usable firepower are closer than raw spending figures indicate.
The Real Anti-Access Story
Given the advancing capabilities of China’s anti-access forces, questions of diffusion and proliferation bear consideration.

China's Awkward Curtain Raiser
Gates’ Beijing visit was disappointing. The PLA appears more interested in sending a message than engaging.

Time to Sell Latest F-16 to Taiwan
Taiwan won’t ever get F-22s. But the US should sell it the latest F-16 fighter to balance Chinese aircraft purchases.