
Chinese debt

Who Will Actually Benefit From the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railroad?

Who Will Actually Benefit From the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railroad?

By Navruz Karimov and Abror Kurbonmuratov
Connectivity projects are crucial for landlocked Central Asian countries. Yet the railway brings major concerns: a lack of transparency, smuggling risks, and a possible debt trap. 

COVID-19 Spells Trouble for China in East Africa

COVID-19 Spells Trouble for China in East Africa

By Abdou Rahim Lema and Samu Ngwenya
From debt to trade deficits, the pandemic is highlighting existing problems in China’s relationship with the East African Community.
Pakistan Discovers the High Cost of Chinese Investment

Pakistan Discovers the High Cost of Chinese Investment

By Hussain Haqqani
A new report sheds light on the true costs of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor for Pakistan.

China’s Debtbook Diplomacy: How China is Turning Bad Loans into Strategic Investments

China’s Debtbook Diplomacy: How China is Turning Bad Loans into Strategic Investments

By Sam Parker and Gabrielle Chefitz
Belt and Road is not the Marshall Plan: it’s comprised of loans, not grants, and China expects a return for its money.

Can Central Asia’s Poorest States Pay Back Their Debts to China?

Can Central Asia’s Poorest States Pay Back Their Debts to China?

By Dirk van der Kley
Despite concerns, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have, so far, been able to manage debt repayment to China fairly well.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China’s Cooling Economy is a Warning for ASEAN

China’s Cooling Economy is a Warning for ASEAN

By Luke Hunt
The S&P downgrade last month was just the latest sign of lingering concerns about Beijing’s economy.

China’s Mounting Fiscal Problems

China’s Mounting Fiscal Problems

By Sara Hsu
Reforms are on the backburner as central and local governments try and stimulate growth.
Interview: Naoyuki Yoshino

Interview: Naoyuki Yoshino

By Clint Richards
The Diplomat speaks with Dr. Naoyuki Yoshino on the future of Japan and East Asia’s economic growth.

Is China Getting Ready to Clean Up Its Debt?

Is China Getting Ready to Clean Up Its Debt?

A number of signs suggest that it might be. It will be a fine line to walk, if so.

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