Chinese espionage in the US

US Drops Name of Trump’s ‘China Initiative’ After Criticism
By Eric Tucker
The Department of Justice's China Initiative had been plagued by accusations of racism and shaky pretexts for pursuing legal action.

America’s Obsession With Chinese Spying Is Hurting Innocent People
By Chi Wang
Has the U.S. government decided that Chinese Americans can never truly be Americans?

Former US Defense Intelligence Agency Officer Pleads Guilty to Attempted Espionage
By Ankit Panda
A former U.S. military intelligence officer has plead guilty to attempted espionage charges.

The Impact of Chinese Espionage on the United States
By Nicholas Eftimiades
What is the cumulative impact of China’s espionage activities for the United States' economy, security, and politics?

Uncovering Chinese Espionage in the US
By Nicholas Eftimiades
A detailed look into how, why, and where Chinese spies are active in the United States.

Former US Defense Intelligence Agency Officer Arrested, Charged With Attempted Espionage for China
By Ankit Panda
The U.S. Department of Justice has charged a former U.S. intelligence officer with attempted espionage.
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