Chinese EVs

China’s Cautious Moves in the EU Tariff Conflict
By You Wang
As the EU moves to impose steep tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, China finds itself at a pivotal juncture in its evolving trade relationship with Europe.

China’s Renewed Ambitions in Cabo Verde, the Frontier Between Africa and the EU
By Melanie Shi
It’s no coincidence that China’s new push in the island nation focuses on energy and digital development.

China’s ‘Trojan Horse’ in the EU? It’s Not Just Hungary.
By Dominika Remžová
Germany – specifically, its automotive industry – is Europe’s true Achilles heel when it comes to China policy.

The Geopolitics of Tesla’s China Breakthrough
By Marina Yue Zhang
Amid growing concerns about China’s EV overcapacity, the U.S. firm wins rare access to the Chinese market.

Navigating New Roads: China’s EV Giants and the GCC’s Economic Shift
By Zichong Ye
The growing presence of Chinese EV makers in Gulf countries indicates a convergence of interests.

Voltage Visions: China’s EV Surge in Southeast Asia
By Nancy Wei
With intense competition at home, China is exporting its electric vehicle success story to Southeast Asia.

China’s Electric Vehicle Expansion in Central Asia
By Nargiza Murataliyeva and Shakhriyor Ismailkhodjaev
Chinese electric vehicles are making inroads into Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, but for different reasons.
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