
Chinese investment abroad

Canadian Miners Need Capital – But Only China Is Stepping Up

Canadian Miners Need Capital – But Only China Is Stepping Up

By Joseph Bouchard
Without alternative sources of investment, the country is struggling to reduce its economic dependence on Beijing.

Beyond Rhetoric: The Tangible Impact of China-US Decoupling

Beyond Rhetoric: The Tangible Impact of China-US Decoupling

By Gabriele Manca
From trade data to investment, economic statistics are starting to reflect the emphasis on curtailing dependencies.
A New Belt and Road Initiative Toolkit

A New Belt and Road Initiative Toolkit

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Jacinta Chen.

Will the BRI Survive Economic Decoupling?

Will the BRI Survive Economic Decoupling?

By Federico Jensen
Ironically, many projects within the BRI are the precondition for a successful decoupling from China.

China’s Tech Companies Are Going Global – and Remaking China’s Image in the Process

China’s Tech Companies Are Going Global – and Remaking China’s Image in the Process

By Laura Grunberg
Chinese start-ups are no longer content to focus on the domestic audience, but are targeting global reach from day one.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Can the Belt and Road Help Countries Replicate China’s Development Successes?

Can the Belt and Road Help Countries Replicate China’s Development Successes?

By David Skidmore
Ironically, the solutions proposed by the BRI contradict China’s own development model.

Making the Belt and Road Environmentally Sustainable

Making the Belt and Road Environmentally Sustainable

By Jackson Ewing
‘Greening’ the BRI is a two-way street that starts in Beijing.
China’s Digital Silk Road: A Game Changer for Asian Economies

China’s Digital Silk Road: A Game Changer for Asian Economies

By Chan Jia Hao
Chinese tech investments will jumpstart digital development in emerging economies. Are today's digital giants ready for the competition?

China’s Belt and Road Debate

China’s Belt and Road Debate

By Antara Ghosal Singh
Even as world leaders converge on Beijing for the Belt and Road Forum, some in China are calling for a slow-and-steady approach.

The Missing Voices at China’s Belt and Road Summit

The Missing Voices at China’s Belt and Road Summit

By Joshua Rosenzweig
The communities who will be directly impacted by Chinese mega-projects will not be represented in Beijing this week.

China’s Belt and Road: A Reality Check

China’s Belt and Road: A Reality Check

By Richard Boucher
The Belt and Road makes China a player, but not the biggest nor the most dominant, in the game of international finance.
China’s ‘Debt Diplomacy’ Is a Misnomer. Call It ‘Crony Diplomacy.’

China’s ‘Debt Diplomacy’ Is a Misnomer. Call It ‘Crony Diplomacy.’

By Mark Akpaninyie
The debt trap isn’t a national strategy. Instead, unchecked profit motive is driving Chinese firms to exploit poor nations.

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