Chinese investment in Europe

China’s Evolving Approach to Media Influence: The Case of Czechia
By Ivana Karásková
The Czech experience reveals the limits of investment screening as a way to protect against Chinese pressure on media outlets.

Demystifying China’s Role in Italy’s Port of Trieste
By Francesca Ghiretti
The ghosts of Chinese control or even ownership have haunted the port since a March 2019 MoU. But those concerns have always been overblown.

Will Montenegro’s New Government Bring a New China Strategy?
By Mladen Grgic
Montenegro saw a peaceful regime change for the first time in its history. What does that mean for China?

China in Europe: All for One and One for All?
By Agnes Szunomar
Chinese infrastructure-building attempts in Central and Eastern Europe are different in each country. So is the response from host governments.

China and the Budapest-Belgrade Railway Saga
By Andreea Brînză
The railway became the BRI’s most important project in Europe -- but nearly seven years later, the story still isn’t over.

Is Italy’s Economic Crisis an Opportunity for China?
By Valbona Zeneli and Michele Capriati
As Italy reels, Chinese companies might sense an opportunity to buy up more Italian brands on the cheap.

A China-Portugal Nexus in the Making?
By Eleanor Albert
China's growing presence in Portugal exemplifies the diverse stances of EU members toward Beijing.

Are the Gloves Coming Off in China-Germany Economic Relations?
By Björn Alexander Düben
As Germany shifts its China approach, Huawei is in the crosshairs.

How Hungary’s Path Leads to China’s Belt and Road
By John Macri
Hungary’s various identities are all pointing in one direction: toward Beijing.

Italy Signs on to Belt and Road Initiative: EU-China Relations at Crossroads?
By Valbona Zeneli
This is a decisive moment for Europe, as it responds (for the first time) to Beijing’s industrial and commercial policies.

China’s “16+1” Is Dead? Long Live the “17+1.”
By Emilian Kavalski
This year’s summit might be the last for the “16+1” initiative – not because it’s dying, but because it’s expanding.

Xi Jinping in Europe: A Tale of 2 Countries
By Shannon Tiezzi
Xi’s receptions in Italy and France were markedly different. So were the benefits for the hosts – but not in the way you’d expect.