Chinese investment in Kazakhstan

Chinese Investment in Kazakhstan Deepens With $2.5 Billion in New Deals
By Catherine Putz
Although branded as commercial deals, most of the agreements involve a steel and mining company recently acquired and renamed by a state-owned private equity firm in the wake of a tragic mining accident.

Observer Now, Beneficiary Later: China and the Unrest in Kazakhstan
By Benno Zogg
China’s interests in Kazakhstan appear unaffected. As the Kazakhstani regime seeks economic growth and may tighten repression, Beijing's importance could grow.

How Is China’s Belt and Road Changing Central Asia?
By Roza Nurgozhayeva
To what extent does the BRI lead to the expansion of China’s institutions and legal norms in Central Asia?

Central Asia’s Lukewarm Pivot to China
By Shawn Snow
Central Asian countries are turning to China for funding -- but by default, not by preference.

Kazakhstan's China Choice
By Dmitriy Frolovskiy
Kazakhstan's future is at a crossroads, with its relationship to China as the key.
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