
Chinese investment in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan President Seals Several Deals in China

Sri Lankan President Seals Several Deals in China

By Rathindra Kuruwita
China’s Sinopec has agreed to set up an oil refinery with an investment of $3.7 billion in Hambantota.

China’s Sinopec to Enter Retail Fuel Market in Crisis-hit Sri Lanka

China’s Sinopec to Enter Retail Fuel Market in Crisis-hit Sri Lanka

By Bharatha Mallawarachi
The 25-year contract with the petroleum giant is expected to ease the fuel shortage in the country.
China Strengthens Grip on Sri Lanka’s Colombo Port  

China Strengthens Grip on Sri Lanka’s Colombo Port  

By P.K. Balachandran
China Merchant Port Holding Company (CMPH), which already has a dominant presence in Sri Lankan harbors, will be setting up a warehousing hub in Colombo port.  

The Economics of the China-India-Sri Lanka Triangle

The Economics of the China-India-Sri Lanka Triangle

By Umesh Moramudali
Sri Lanka’s struggle to balance been China and India has a strong economic dimension.

China’s Vision for the Belt and Road in South Asia

China’s Vision for the Belt and Road in South Asia

By Antara Ghosal Singh
What progress has the BRI made in South Asia thus far?

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China Expands Its Footprint in Sri Lanka

China Expands Its Footprint in Sri Lanka

By Sudha Ramachandran
China is moving into new geographical areas of Sri Lanka, where Indian influence has traditionally been strongest.

Japan Claims a Stake in Sri Lanka’s Ports

Japan Claims a Stake in Sri Lanka’s Ports

By Lasanda Kurukulasuriya
Sri Lanka is caught between the need for foreign investment and the risk of being the object of a great power tug-of-war.
India’s Regional Power Credentials Under Threat by China

India’s Regional Power Credentials Under Threat by China

By Ana Pararajasingham
In both Maldives and Sri Lanka, China has been chipping away at Indian influence.

China Buys Hambantota Port: Should India Be Concerned?

China Buys Hambantota Port: Should India Be Concerned?

By Narayani Basu
The deal assuaged some Indian concerns, but China's economic dominance over Sri Lanka is still a worry.

India and China’s Tug of War Over Sri Lanka

India and China’s Tug of War Over Sri Lanka

By Yigal Chazan
India sets out to check China’s efforts to turn the island into a maritime hub on its "Belt and Road."

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