Chinese loans Sri Lanka

Beyond Debt: China-Sri Lanka Economic Relations in a New Era
By Umesh Moramudali and Yunnan Chen
How will Colombo's economic relations with Beijing proceed in the post-default era?

Colombo Lotus Tower and the Case for Transparency
By Rathindra Kuruwita
The project cost Sri Lanka $113 million, maintenance costs are reportedly huge and annual revenue is pegged at present at around $8.2 million. When will it recover its expenditure?

Is China to Blame for Sri Lanka’s Debt Woes?
By Ivory Kairo
China's role in lending to Sri Lanka has expanded in the last 20 years, but fewer Chinese loans would not have saved the country from its current economic crisis.

China Thumbs Its Nose at India in Sri Lanka
By Sudha Ramachandran
Despite New Delhi’s objections, Colombo has permitted a Chinese "research and survey" ship to dock at Hambantota Port soon.
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