
Chinese Military

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Clarification of China’s Claim?

Clarification of China’s Claim?

Are China’s South China Sea claims as expansive as some people claim? The Foreign Ministry tries to clarify.

Godzilla Attacks!

Godzilla Attacks!

Some expect the Chinese “Godzilla” to act like the U.S. one of the 19th Century. Will it try a Monroe Doctrine?

China’s Sukhoi Submission

China’s Sukhoi Submission

China’s air force has indicated it’s interested in buying the Su-35 fighter from Russia. What does Russia think?

China’s Sukhoi Submission

China’s Sukhoi Submission

China’s air force has indicated it’s interested in buying the Su-35 fighter from Russia. What does Russia think?

Can China Crash U.S. Pivot Party?

Can China Crash U.S. Pivot Party?

The United States is working hard to recalibrate its national security strategy with an Asia-Pacific focus. If China can act boldly, it has multiple avenues for countering it.

Taiwan's Status Quo

Taiwan's Status Quo

The Taiwanese perception of the status quo with China may be diverging from Washington’s. That’s a problem.

In Praise of Disaster Diplomacy

Militaries in the Asia-Pacific are often called upon for disaster response. They’re also a good form of diplomacy.

China's Beefed-Up Defense

China's Beefed-Up Defense

China’s defense spending is set to double by 2015, says a new report. What does it mean for U.S. ties?

Why to Forget UNCLOS

The U.S. push to ratify the Convention on the Law of Sea is wrong, especially with China’s South China Sea claims.

What Singapore Teaches U.S.

The British surrender of Singapore to the Japanese in 1942 should be instructive to U.S. policymakers eyeing China’s rise. War isn’t inevitable, but history is full of surprises.

How U.S. Can Secure the New East

How U.S. Can Secure the New East

Americans need to accept the reality of a rising China, says Zbigniew Brzezinski. But the U.S. must also build on its Asian alliances if it wants balance and leverage.

Canada Grapples with Asia Dilemma

Canada Grapples with Asia Dilemma

The Asia-Pacific offers enormous potential for Canada. The hard part is balancing economics, human rights and the U.S.-China rivalry.

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