
Chinese Military

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China’s Achilles’ Heel

China’s Achilles’ Heel

With little in the way of force projection, China’s dependence on natural resources in unstable parts of the world could undercut its economic ambitions. There are limits to freeriding.

The West’s First War with China

China has a long and impressive tradition of warcraft. Studying it properly would do the West a world of good.

The West’s First War with China

China has a long and impressive tradition of warcraft. Studying it properly would do the West a world of good.

Beijing's South China Sea Gamble

Beijing's South China Sea Gamble

If China is right, then there is enough oil under the South China Sea to feed global consumption for several years. But Beijing may be making an aggressive bet on the wrong horse.

Why U.S. Needs a China Threat

If the real threat to America is America itself, then U.S. strategists might see China as a necessary rival.

Why China Isn’t Freaking Out

Why China Isn’t Freaking Out

There are good reasons why the rhetoric from Moscow is harsher than Beijing’s. For a start, China knows lashing out at the U.S. is counterproductive.

Have Chinese Had Enough?

Have Chinese Had Enough?

China’s size may mean it can’t but be seen as a threat. Will China’s next leaders be expected to play hardball?

Understanding Romney on China

Understanding Romney on China

Mitt Romney has spent more time articulating a substantive outline for his China policy than his rivals. Economics is central, but he’ll need to offer more if he gets the Republican nod.

Weather Satellite Surveillance?

Weather Satellite Surveillance?

China’s weather satellites have made great strides. They could also provide ASBM intelligence data to the PLA.

Does U.S. Need Grand Strategy?

Does U.S. Need Grand Strategy?

A grand strategy might be good for headlines, but the days of railing against an “Evil Empire” are behind us.

The Danger of e-Warriors

The Danger of e-Warriors

Nationalists taking to the comments sections of foreign policy websites should be challenged, not ignored.

Asia Overreacts to U.S. Military Pivot

Asia Overreacts to U.S. Military Pivot

Despite the warnings from China, the Pentagon’s Defense Strategic Guidance offers few surprises. Change has been coming for a while.

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