
Chinese Military

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Beijing Foreign Policy Hurts China

Beijing Foreign Policy Hurts China

The Chinese Communist Party’s placement of regime security over national security interests is typical of autocracies. It’s also very dangerous.

India's Insecurity

India's Insecurity

This year marks five decades since the Indo-China war. So why can’t India seem to get over it?

Behind the China Missile Hype

The Diplomat’s Assistant Editor Harry Kazianis sits down with Roger Cliff of the Rand Corporation to discuss China’s much talked about anti-ship missile, the DF-21D.

India, China in Border Deal

India, China in Border Deal

India and China take a major confidence building step by establishing an institutionalized border mechanism.

America’s New Asiatic Fleet?

America’s New Asiatic Fleet?

The U.S. Navy focus on Littoral Combat Ships won’t necessarily keep China happy, but they’re still a good idea.

America’s New Asiatic Fleet?

America’s New Asiatic Fleet?

The U.S. Navy focus on Littoral Combat Ships won’t necessarily keep China happy, but they’re still a good idea.

India Military Eyes Combined Threat

India Military Eyes Combined Threat

Indian military planners are reshaping the Army in readiness for a potential combined threat from China and Pakistan. Can it “cold start?”

A Tsai Win and China Ties

A Tsai Win and China Ties

Would Taiwan presidential candidate Tsai Ying-wen be able to maintain good ties with China? It seems unlikely.

The Folly of "Managed" Taiwan Ties

The Folly of "Managed" Taiwan Ties

The U.S. should be promoting not “managing” ties with Taiwan. This week’s election in Taiwan is a perfect opportunity for a rethink.

Another China-India Spat

Another China-India Spat

A row over the refusal to issue a visa to an Indian officer from Arunachal Pradesh highlights tensions with China.

America’s Mixed Asian Future

America’s Mixed Asian Future

The U.S. pivot toward the Asia-Pacific has been much commented on. But is it good for U.S. interests?

America’s Mixed Asian Future

America’s Mixed Asian Future

The U.S. pivot toward the Asia-Pacific has been much commented on. But is it good for U.S. interests?

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