
Chinese Military

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Deterrence, Not Containment

Deterrence, Not Containment

China’s media has panned the U.S. military’s Pacific pivot. But the U.S. is just fleshing out an existing strategy.

India’s Strategic Pivot

Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar are India’s “unsinkable aircraft carrier.” But balance is needed.

India’s Strategic Pivot

Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar are India’s “unsinkable aircraft carrier.” But balance is needed.

Maybe Trust, Definitely Verify

Just because a source was in Chinese doesn’t make it authoritative on China’s military. Verification is essential.

India’s Response to China’s Rise

India’s Response to China’s Rise

India needs to be more proactive in developing a strategic and military plan for responding to China’s rise.

India’s Response to China’s Rise

India’s Response to China’s Rise

India needs to be more proactive in developing a strategic and military plan for responding to China’s rise.

China’s Shrinking Air Force

China’s Shrinking Air Force

Updated figures suggest that the Chinese air force is shrinking. It’s building smaller numbers of newer jets.

PLA's January Surprises

China favors springing military surprises on January 11 each year. What might this January hold in store?

China's Cyber Command

An article on the Chinese Defense Ministry website presents a “whole of society” approach to cyber war.

How Pakistan Kids Itself on China

How Pakistan Kids Itself on China

Pakistani policymakers are wrong if they think Beijing will bankroll a break with Washington. China has no interest in pushing India into U.S. arms.

The Philippines’ Navy Challenge

The Philippines’ Navy Challenge

The Philippines has long neglected its navy. But years of neglect may hamper a response in the South China Sea.

The Philippines’ Navy Challenge

The Philippines’ Navy Challenge

The Philippines has long neglected its navy. But years of neglect may hamper a response in the South China Sea.

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